sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2008

Studio Update 04

HEY Guys!!
This is Paulino writing to you from Generator Studios in Assafora(Ericeira).
So yesterday(thursday) Raminhos finished tracking all the drums! They sound absolutely creamy.
Today(friday) is day one of guitar tracking and Gonçalo is laying down tracks on the first song as I write!
The weather is absolutely gorgeous today: 14 degrees, blue sky, no clouds!
We are having a great time in Ericeira and we are truly blessed to be working with such talented guy as Miguel Marques is.
We want more than anything to stay as connected and involved with you.
Without you, this record would be pointless.
So check back for upcoming video updates which will be posted soon.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog.
God Bless.
Your friends, One Hundred Steps

...making clouds

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

hey!..kero ver isso a andar!vão actualizando isto pa dar um cheirinho do k aí vem!..eheheheh!..boa sorte e boa inspiração!continuem gordos e a comer merda!ahahah!só faz é bem!...abraços!